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Deep in the Ecuadorian jungle lie the lovingly tended forest gardens, also known as chacra. In these forest gardens, the guayusa tree is cultivated as a useful plant, along with many other plants. The traditional use of the guayusa by the indigenous people of Ecuador goes back many hundreds of years.

Similar to Mitragyna speciosa, the dried leaves of Ilex guayusa have a vibrant green hue that can add that special something to many handicrafts. The guayusa offered here was grown organically and without pesticides.

This product comes from Aplantis GmbH in Germany, an expert in high-quality natural raw materials for the dietary supplement, food, beverage, cosmetics, pet and feed industries. More about the Aplantis quality seal: https://aplantis-ingredients.de/en/quality/#Qualitaetssiegel

Not suitable for consumption!

Keep away from children at all costs!

Additional product information

100% Ilex guayusa leaves powdered